Would you like to meet potential customers in the Italian pharma industry?

This webinar is for Danish companies and is being held as a prelude to a market visit to Italy on 20-22 June, where we will visit leading pharma manufacturers such as Kedrion (Barga) and Lilly (Firenze), key industry organisations, and other relevant stakeholders and decision makers.



13:00 - 13:45




Free of charge

Read more about the market visit in June here

Thomas Andersen Head of Health Tech danish export / dansk eksport
Head of Health Tech Thomas Andersen +45 2447 8502
Kristina Strunge Nygaard Member Relations Coordinator danish export / dansk eksport
Project Consultant Kristina Strunge Nygaard +45 3171 0313
Agenda, 550X500


13.00 – 13.10:
Welcome and introduction to the Italian Pharma market visit in June 2022.
by Thomas Andersen, Head of Health Tech, Danish Export Association

13.10 – 13.40:
Introduction to the Italian Pharma market.
by Tina Riis, Innovation & Business Development & Co-Founder, Daivai srl

13.40 – 13.45:
Q & A.

  • Tina Riis, 550X500

    Tina Riis, Innovation & Business Development & Co-Founder, Daivai

    Tina Riis has been a resident in Italy since 2004. She has built an extensive network across Italy’s life science industry and pharma producing regions while working as headhunter for more than a decade. Currently, as co-founder of Daivai srl, she works as Business Development Consultant and Innovation Manager (accredited by MISE - the Italian Ministry of Economic Development). Among her initiatives is a national roadshow on digital transformation hosted in 7 Innovation Hubs from North to South. Tina is committed to sharing her network, market and industry experience with Danish companies interested in the Italian market.

For further details, contact:

  • Thomas Andersen Head of Health Tech danish export / dansk eksport

    Thomas Andersen

    Head of Health Tech
    +45 2447 8502 tan@danishexport.dk
  • Thomas Andersen

    Head of Health Tech

    Thomas har et stort kendskab til life science-industrien samt sundheds- og velfærdssektoren, og vil du have sparring på, hvordan du kan øge din eksport i disse sektorer, er det ham, du skal tage fat i. Han er primus motor i vores Health Tech-netværk, og med mere end 20 års eksporterfaring har han blandt andet stort kendskab til markedsetablering.

    Thomas har arbejdet i både private virksomheder og den offentlige sektor. Han har også været selvstændig i tre år, og derfor har han hands-on viden om de udfordringer, mindre virksomheder står med, når de skal øge deres eksport.

    Vil du have sparring på markeder, kan Thomas hjælpe dig med viden om de fleste europæiske lande samt Australien, Kenya og Thailand, hvor han har været udstationeret.

    Thomas Andersen Head of Health Tech danish export / dansk eksport