Water Talk #13 2025

Check in with your network colleagues from Danish Export – Water Tech







Exclusively for members of Danish Export and part of your membership.

Klaus Lys Grå Baggrund Web 1
Head of Water Tech Klaus Kubstrup Kattenhøj +45 3117 3314
Lixia Duan Project Consultant dansih export / danish eksport
Project Consultant Lixia Duan +45 6020 8565

Water Talks – Learn from and challenge your network colleagues in the Water Tech Network

Water Talks is your opportunity to debate, knowledge-share, and learn from your network colleagues without having to start the car - simply sign up and log-on for a full hour of discussions and debate.

During 2024 Water Tech will host a series of online Water Talks where we will talk about hot topics in the water industry. Each Water Talk will centre around an interesting topic and start out with a 15 min opening talk from a thought leader. After the talk the floor is open for discussion and debate. A Water Talk session will have a duration of 45 to 60 minutes.


Calendar Invite

After registration you will receive a confirmation, that you have signed up for the Water Talk. The date and time for each session will be sent out as a calendar appointment in proper time before each meeting and will contain a link for the session.


Before each Water Talk you will receive a meeting request with link and participant list.

  • Please log in 5 min. before the session for technical start-up and image-/sound testing.
  • Water Talks will be held through Teams with sound and image, so that we can see each other and have a productive dialogue.
  • Each Water Talk session is scheduled for 45-60 minutes incl. wrapping up.
  • Each session will include a short presentation from the speaker and the floor is afterwards yours to discuss the topic of the day.
  • The meeting is an informal platform for you to share knowledge or ask your network colleagues questions related to a specified topic.