Webinar: Germany - Should We Be Worried?

Join the webinar to find out.



9.00 - 10.00





Sebastian Schwarz Head of Secretariat danish export / dansk eksport
Deputy CEO & Head of Danish Export Academy Sebastian Schwarz +45 2366 7788
Nanna Læssøe Navntoft Learning & Development Consultant
Learning & Development Consultant Nanna Læssøe Navntoft +45 6020 8567
As is well known, Germany has traditionally been Denmark’s largest export market and still is when counting how many Danish companies are active in that market.

Yet, there are currently some dark clouds hanging above the German economy.  And, on the other hand, there still is a huge, unexploited potential for Danish companies in Germany.

So what are the challenges for Danish companies in Europe’s by far largest market, and which opportunities do they miss? Last but not least: what would be smart first steps when preparing your plans for becoming more successful in Germany?

We have invited Hans Wicks, General Manager DI Germany, to elaborate on those questions:
  • Status of the German economy and challenges faced
  • Why DI established itself in Germany and in particular why in Berlin?
  • Navigating a difficult environment and succeeding with recruiting

Join us for a talk on opportunities and challenges in Germany at this free webinar.

  • Hans Wicks

    Hans Wicks

    Hans Wicks has been working for Dansk Industri since 2011 when he was brought onboard as General Director for the DI office in Moscow, Russia. In 2022 he moved to Germany with the aim of opening a new office for DI in Berlin. Prior to his career in Dansk Industri, Hans spent many years in the Travel and Airline Industry with postings in the US, Denmark, Ireland, Holland, and Russia. Hans is German, born in Berlin and raised and educated in California. He received his BA in Economics from the University of California in Santa Barbara and completed Post Graduate Studies in Stockholm, Sweden. He lived in Copenhagen in the 1980’s and early 90’s.

  • Sebastian Portræt I Miljø

    Sebastian Schwarz

    Sebastian Schwarz is heading the Danish Export Academy and has been with the Danish Export Association since 2008. He was born and raised in Berlin and received his MA in Political Science from the University of Copenhagen.