Market visit to Sweden 2024

Danish Export - Water Tech in cooperation with the Danish Trade Council in Sweden invites you to meet with Stockholm Vatten and visit Vattenindustrin.


18.11.2024 - 20.11.2024


Stockholm, Sweden


DKK 17.995/company/first participant; DKK 4.995/company/additional participant. Group discounts (4-) upon negotiation* (before 10.10.2024)
DKK 18.995/company/first participant; DKK 5.995/company/additional participant. Group discounts (4-) upon negotiation* (after 10.10.2024)
*Incl. lunch, dinner and local transportation. Excl. VAT, travel and lodging.

The prices are based on a minimum of 7 participating companies, and your company being eligible for grants from The Trade Council based on the rules of "de-minimis-subsidies" for export promotion activities.

Registration deadline: 10th October 2024 (subject to available space which will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis).

Klaus Lys Grå Baggrund Web 1
Head of Water Tech Klaus Kubstrup Kattenhøj +45 3117 3314
Lixia Duan Project Consultant dansih export / danish eksport
Project Consultant Lixia Duan +45 6020 8565

“Danish Export – Water Tech goes to Stockholm”

Stockholm Vatten is the biggest water infrastructure operater in Sweden, and have both grand plans and investments in store until 2030. We will visit the biggest WWTP in Sweden, and the biggest WS in Stockholm. Stockholm Vatten is both planning to make the city smart with meters etc, but also to modernize their complete physical infrastructure. We will also visit and meet the biggest water equipment and advisors on the Swedish market (Vattenindustrin, ed.) for an entire day to learn about the most important water topics in Sweden. Envidan has already appointed Sweden as one of their most important markets outside DK, and many are following their example.

This delegation replaces the VA Mässen, which was cancelled this year by the organizers. Vatten 2025 is still reserved and being planned as an exhibition in Gothenburg. The Swedish water infrastructure etc are about a decade+ behind DK, and are requesting many of the same solutions, but are also demanding Swedish references.

Tentative Program

  • Monday - 18th November

    Arrival, Check in and Dinner

    by Rikke Edsjö

    18:00 Mutual Dinner at Royal Danish Embassy in Sweden, Stockholm

    • Talk by Ambassador & DEA on Sweden as a market
  • Tuesday - 19th November

    Yearly Meeting and Theme about Swedish Water-infrastructure

    by Repr. From Vattenindustrin

    9:00 Special brief on ”Svenska Vattenindustrin’s” yearly meeting

    • The yearly water-summit for municipalities with consultants, entrepreneurs and suppliers. The goal is to secure a coordinated climate adaptation and total-defense of Swedish infrastructure and implementation of EU directives.

    9:30 Theme 2024

    • Digitalization of Swedish water-infrastructure
    • Security of WWT and WS
    • Competence development of Swedish municipalities
    • Etc.

    18:00 Dinner & Networking

  • Wednesday - 20th November

    Visit WWTP and WS in Stockholm

    9:00 Visit at WWTP in Stockholm

    12:00 Visit at WS in Stockholm

    14:30 Lunch  

    15:00 Street goodbye

Why participate?

  • As a Danish company you should join the delegation trip to:

    • Meet and visit the biggest WWTP in Sweden and the biggest WSP in Stockholm. The tour will entail hearing about the plans and investments 2030 of the grander city of Stockholm, and provide time for Q&As.
    1. Wastewater treatment plants are being expanded and developed to manage future treatment demands concerning i.e. phosphorus and nitrogen. Incl. EU’s largest MBR inaugurated in 2021-22. 
    2. Increased demands to recycle and reuse materials, where Sweden is expecting to catch up and supersede DK over time.
    3. WW and Food waste collection in Stockholm is to increase and become mandatory for biogas production and nutrients recovery etc.
    4. The complexity of WS in the grander Stockholm area, and how to reduce NRW (Sweden: 25% vs. DK: 7%)
    5. It will also touch upon Stormwater protection and industrial discharges
    • Meet with Vattenindustrin’s members for an entire day, and dwell into their most important water topics currently in Sweden:
    1. Digitalization of Swedish water-infrastructure (must be completely digitized by 2040)
    2. Security of WWT and WS
    3. Competence development needs of Swedish municipalities
    • Meet and learn how to cooperate with Swedish companies and municipalities
    • Establish dialogue with the water industry as a subsupplier and create personal contacts
    • Go to market Sweden learnings in steps together with the Danish Embassy and Danish Export Association.
DK SV Lande I Flagfarver

The market and opportunities

Svenskt Vatten estimates the investment need in the water sector to be SEK 23 billion annually with an investment backlog of SEK 7 billion. In addition, water, which until now has been considered an infinite resource, is increasingly considered a scarce resource. Sweden has experienced record high energy prices throughout the country. Energy and water efficiency in TCO, hence quickly becomes profitable and is absolutely necessary to avoid power and supply shortages. Sweden also has a big focus on the global goals agenda and aims to be 100% on renewable energy by 2040 and be CO2 neutral by 2045. 

Swedish industry is at the forefront of the climate agenda, but thus faces major challenges with rising prices for water, electricity, and ambitious climate and environmental requirements.

Partnership with:


This event is subsidized by The Trade Council. To participate with subsidy, your company must be eligible to receive subsidies based on the de-minimis-rules and regulations from the Trade Council.

The de minimis-enactment means that a company can receive public subsidies of maximum EUR 300,000 within a period of three years. To receive subsidies, companies must be registered with a Danish VAT-number and complete a business form.