Eksterne Arrangementer – vand/WS og spildevand/WWT

Her finder du links til sider, hvor du kan finde arrangementer indenfor vand og spildevand.

Information om EU's initiativ Boost-In

Der er et åbent call, som har deadline den 18. juli.

Call for innovative circular economy solutions in the Water sector across Europe

”BOOST-IN is an EU-funded project dedicated to implementing a successful strategy to promote technological changes, governance schemes, shifts in mindset and organizational structures the water sector needs to become circular. The project will help the transition from a wasteful, linear way of handling water to a circular economy. This means seeing water not just as something to use and discard, but as a precious resource that can be reused, recycled, and valued in many ways, from powering our homes to growing our food”

BOOST-IN (boostin.eu)

Linked-in: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/watereurope_circulareconomy-waterinnovation-circulareconomy-activity-7212401309952454656-9bG7?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_android

Sekretariatet holder “åbent” frem til 1.august, hvorefter der er ca 20 dages ferie.